
BKB Group publishes first sustainability report

At a time when sustainability is becoming increasingly important, we at BKB Group are setting a new milestone. We are proud to present our first sustainability report, highlighting our commitment to a more sustainable business.

Duurzaamheid in de maakindustrie

Met de groeiende klimaatverandering en grondstoffen schaarste neemt duurzaamheid een steeds prominentere rol in binnen de maakindustrie. Bedrijven moeten hun verantwoordelijkheid erkennen tegenover het milieu en de samenleving. Elke stap, van productie tot afvalbeheer, draagt aanzienlijk bij aan de ecologische voetafdruk van een bedrijf. Door te streven naar duurzame praktijken kunnen bedrijven niet alleen hun impact verminderen, maar ook hun efficiëntie verhogen.

bkb groep zonder holding

The BKB Group's sustainability report

Over the past year, we have worked intensively within our group on various sustainability initiatives and accurately measuring our carbon footprint. This has resulted in our very first sustainability report, a milestone we are proud of. As part of the BKB Group, we present this report with enthusiasm. It is a first step towards even more sustainability initiatives in the future! Discover our report via the button below.

Moving forward together

At BLW Kunststoffen, we see collaboration as essential to progress. While we are making significant progress in sustainability, we realize that we cannot achieve this alone. Sometimes we need the support of our customers, for example in the use of recycled plastics. Take a look at our sustainability page now and discover all our initiatives, or feel free to contact us for further information!

Interested or questions?

Feel free to contact us. You can reach us at 040 - 283 7838 or by filling out the contact form to the right. We will respond as soon as possible.

9772 frank van hoof blw1
Frank van Hoof
Branch director
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