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Plastic CNC Milling

Are you looking for high-quality plastic CNC milling services that meet your specific requirements? Then you have come to the right place at BLW Kunststoffen. With our advanced machinery and years of experience, we mill the most complex products and bring your design to life.

Specialist in plastic machining
Short lines
More than 40 years of experience
Part of the BKB Precision Group

What is CNC milling?

CNC milling stands for Computer Numerical Control milling. It is an automated production process in which a computer program is used to give a plastic a certain shape using precise movements of rotating tools.

Within BLW Kunststoffen, we use two different methods for milling our plastic products: 3-axis and 5-axis milling, with or without robot loading. 3-axis milling is mainly used for relatively simple plastic operations or for finishing specific products. On the other hand, 5-axis milling makes it possible to machine a product on five sides in one setup. Find out how these milling techniques are used within BLW Kunststoffen.

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Accurate and precise plastic milling

Plastic CNC milling requires craftsmanship, advanced machinery and specialist knowledge. In order to mill high-quality plastic products, numerous factors are crucial that must be taken into account. Consider the type of material, the milling speed, the desired results and even the ambient temperature. Our specialists are skilled in overseeing these aspects and ensure that your product meets all requirements.

Milling different types of plastics

POM milling, HMPE milling, PE milling or PEEK milling? You can have almost all conceivable plastics milled with us. With each plastic, we take into account its specific properties. For example, some plastics tend to melt quickly, while others need to be milled at higher speeds. Are you curious about all available plastics and their properties? Discover them all via the button below.

CNC turning-milling of plastics

There are many other machining options besides CNC milling of plastics. With our expertise, we offer customized solutions, where precision and quality are of utmost importance. Discover more information about plastics machining via the buttons below.

The machinery of BLW Kunststoffen

At BLW Kunststoffen, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring our machinery is always up-to-date with the latest technologies. With our extensive CNC machine park, our specialists are equipped to tackle almost any challenge!

View our machinery
CNC milling machines

At BLW Kunststoffen, we utilize a diverse range of advanced milling machines, enabling us to mill high-quality products in both 3-axis and 5-axis configurations.

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CNC turning machines

At BLW Kunststoffen, we rely on our advanced CNC turning machines for precise production, allowing us to deliver high-quality parts.

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CNC Turning-Milling Combinations

Our advanced CNC turning-milling combinations are capable of efficiently producing plastic products with maximum precision.

Nieuwe Biesse Rover BLW Kunststoffen
Portal milling machines

Our portal milling machines are specialized in milling large sheets for high-quality plastic parts.

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Measuring machines

We rely on our advanced measuring machines. Our machines are at the forefront of ensuring the quality of our products.

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ISO Cleanroom

With our ISO cleanroom, we guarantee a controlled environment where we can clean high-quality artificial components that meet the strictest standards.

Quality is paramount

A more sustainable world

We value quality and strive to always offer our customers the highest possible quality. During the production process, continuous process controls are carried out to ensure and monitor quality. If required, we can provide your products with a measurement report and associated documents and certificates.  As part of the BKB Group, we are busy making our organization more sustainable. For example, we have already prepared a sustainability report that provides insight into our performance in the areas of the environment, social responsibility and circularity. We are determined to further integrate sustainability into all our activities in the near future and invest in a better future.

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Your trusted partner in CNC milling of plastics

Are you looking for a reliable partner who can realize almost all your wishes in the field of plastic machining? Then look no further. At BLW Kunststoffen you have come to the right place. From turning, turn-milling and 5-axis simultaneous milling to measuring and post-processing of plastic mono parts or finished products; we offer a wide range of services. Request a quote now using the form below!

Interested or questions?

Feel free to contact us. You can reach us at 040 - 283 7838 or by filling out the contact form to the right. We will respond as soon as possible.

9772 frank van hoof blw1
Frank van Hoof
Branch director
Request a quote