petp kunststof

PETP Plastics


Polyethylene terephthalate, often named as PETP, is a strong, durable and fully recyclable plastic with a wide range of applications. Commonly, the material is used for various engineering applications because of its abrasion resistance and light weight.

What makes PETP the right plastic?

As mentioned earlier, PETP is 100% recyclable and can be made into new products. This makes the material an environmentally friendly choice. In addition, the material is also:

  • One of the hardest plastics
  • Shape and size stability
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Self-extinguishing
  • Suitable for direct contact with food

Machining PETP

Looking for a specialist to chip your PETP product? We at BLW Kunststoffen know better than anyone else how to machine this plastic to achieve the best results. With our professionalism and advanced machinery, we can machine PETP in any shape or size. Contact us and get more information about our PETP machining services!

Interested or questions?

Feel free to contact us. You can reach us at 040 - 283 7838 or by filling out the contact form to the right. We will respond as soon as possible.

9772 frank van hoof blw1
Frank van Hoof
Branch director
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